Saturday 16 April 2011

Friday 15 April 2011


What's up bladers this is Tsubasa owner of Earth Aquila!!!

Tsubasa was once a secret agent for some organization that was against the Dark Nebula. He work secretly undercover until one day Ryuga found out. Tsubasa was forced to battle Ryuga. If not for Ryo (Ginga's dad) He would have been dead. From that day onwards he became one of Ginga's close friends. 

                                                                       (Earth Aquila)

Thursday 14 April 2011

Awesome beyblades

 Some of my fave season 2 beys!

                                      Hell Kerbecs

                                        Meteo L-Drago

                                            Gravity Perseus

                                                        Ray Unicorno

                                                      Sol Blaze

                                                     Galaxy Pegasis

                                                Counter Leone

                                                        Basalt Horogium

                                                       Vulcan Horuseus

                                                     Tornado Herculeo


Hey bladers! Check out Hyoma! Owner of Rock Aries

Hyoma is one of Ginga's close friends. He follows Ginga and his team everywhere. His bey, Rock Aries is a defense type bey. One of his moves is splitting his bey into three thus confusing his opponents. He has a strong heart and has accomplished many things in his beyblade experience.

                                                                  ROCK ARIES


Hey! This is Busujima....owner of Rock Escolpio

Busujima is the owner of Rock Escolpio. His defense is really good. He's not the best beyblader around. There's not much to say about this guy coz he dosen't appear in the show that often.

                                                         ROCK ESCOLPIO


Wassssssup! Thisssss isssss Reiji. Owner of Poison Sssssserpent !! 

Reiji is a scary person. Many people have nightmares just looking at him. His bey Poison Serpent has 15 curves on the metal wheel giving it a lot of attack. He almost destroyed Kenta's bey, Saggittario, in battle. Reiji is a beyblader not to be messed around with.

                                                               POISON SERPENT


Heyyyyy. This is Teru, owner of Earth Virgo!! Enjoy!!

Teru was a professional ballet dancer until he broke his leg. Preventing him from dancing again. So he dedicated his life to beyblade. He now own the most graceful bey, Earth Virgo. His bey has excellent stamina.

                                                                     EARTH VIRGO

Dan and Reiki

Hi guys. This is Dan and Reiki! Owners of.....Killer Gemios!!

These two brothers are part of "The Dark Nebula". Their bey, was made by Doji, leader of the Dark Nebula. Their bey resembles to little elves with different powers. One elf has fire powers while the other has ice powers. Combined, their bey is one of the strongest beys!

                                                                 KILLER GEMIOS


Hey guys! Check out Tobio, Storm Capricorn owner!!

Tobio uses an angle compass to launch his bey like a sniper, hitting his opponents bey with great precision. His bey, Storm Capricorn, has a curved tip which gives it the ability to jump for a short period of time. The jumping helps his bey from getting hit by other beys. In the show, he was able to attack Ginga accurately eventhough there were a lot of obstacles in the way. But in the end, Ginga won with his Starblast move.

                                                               STORM  CAPRICORN


Hey beybladers out there!! Here's Ryuutaro owner of Thermal Pisces!

He is a fortune teller as well as a powerful beyblader. He's special move transports his opponents into a dark world controlled by him. In Ryuutaro's world, his bey gains power and speed. A lot of bladers dread a fight with Ryuutaro. He also uses mystical powers in battle such as knocking beys off his without his bey even touching his opponents.

                                                                  THERMAL PISCES


Hi guys. Check out Benkei, one of Ginga's friends! Hope you like it!

This big guy is owner of Dark Bull. He is the encourager in Ginga's team. Whenever Ginga feels like giving up, he can always count on Benkei to cheer him up. He is also Ginga's best friend and follows Ginga everywhere. He gives a lot of support to Ginga and his team.

                                                                         DARK BULL


Yuu is the rightful owner of Flame Libra. Enjoy this info!

Yuu is the owner of Flame Libra. Part of "The Dark Nebula" but is the only non-evil member. Other members are Doji and Ryuga. His/her best friend is Kenta. His/her beyblade is a balance type bey which has also attack and defense. Its an all-rounded bey. He/she has accomplished many achievements in his/her life. Like defeating Dark Bull, Flame Sagittario and Dark Cancer.

                                                                     FLAME LIBRA


This is Ryo! He's role in the show is pretty check it out!!

Ryo is the current owner of Burn Phoenix. Ex-owner of Storm Pegasis before he gave it to his son Ginga. He was supposedly crushed underneath a cave but he somehow managed to survive and he hid in a small hut at the top of the mountains. Once he was okay again, he made Burn Phoenix, put on a mask, coat and took on a secret identity. He once fought Ginga but Ginga lost. He took Ginga's pointer and crushed it! Ginga was very sad but he vowed to defeat this masked blader. He finally got the chance and he won. Ryo then gave Ginga all his points. A few days later, just before Ginga's match with Kyoya, he came to Ginga and revealed his identity to Ginga. Then, Ryo left. But Ginga knows that his dad will be there for him when he needs him.

                                                                     BURN PHOENIX


Hey bladers! This is Kenta!! Hope you like it!

He is one of Ginga's close friends. Kenta has a babyish face but a strong spirit. His bey, Saggitarrio, is his best friend. He lost to Reiji (owner of Poison Serpent). Reggie totally destroyed Kenta's bey. Luckily, his friends helped him pull through and his bey was okay again. He has the same dream as Ginga and his other be the TOP blader in the WBBA competition.

                                                                 FLAME SAGGITARRIO


What up bladers here's some cool info about Dark Wolfs owner Doji!!!! Enjoy!!!

This is WBBA's Head Honcho Doji. He runs everything in the WBBA stadiums. Although he is the chairman, he always listens to his evil master Ryuga. Doji is full of mean and evilness he plans to help his master defeat Ginga and his companions. Doji may be smart but in the end Ryuga also sucked his blader spirit and broke his bey Dark Wolf like what he did to Ginga's companions Tsubasa and Kyoya.

                                                                          DARK WOLF


  Hey, Bladers here's some cool info about Rock Leone's owner Kyoya!! Enjoy!!

This is Kyoya. He is one of Ginga's companions in the fight at WBBA. He wants to learn from Ginga and defeat him one day. Kyoya used to be a head honcho of a really mean gang that bullies young and lousy bladers. But when he met Ginga his life suddenly changed. Ginga and Kyoya were good friends until one day he had to battle Ryuga and their friendship was destroyed. He was foolish and at last Ryuga sucked all his blader spirit from him.

                                                                      ROCK LEONE

Wednesday 13 April 2011


Hi guys!! Check out the star of the show, Ginga!!! Enjoy....

( Info about Ginga )

Ginga is the main star of the show. He owns Storm Pegasis (season 1) and Galaxy Pegasis (season 2). His bey was given to him by his dad, Ryo, just before he got crushed under the cave when he was trying to stop Ryuga from getting Lightning L-Drago. Ginga is in it to win it! He dosen't give up easily and wants to be the number one beyblader in the entire WBBA competition. With Storm Pegasis by his side, he won't stop at anything till he achieves his dream!!



Hey beybladers!! This is some info bout, Ryuga, owner of Lightning L-Drago (season 1) and Meteo L-Drago (season 2). Heres a pic of him.

(Info about Ryuga)

He owns the "Forbidden Bey", Lightning L-Drago. The bey was made from peoples greed of power. But some thought that the bey was too powerful and they locked it away inside a cave. One day, Ryo ( Ginga's father ) caught Ryuga trying to steal the bey. He tried to stop him but failed and Ryuga escaped with Lightning L-Drago. Currently, he owns Lightning L-Drago and is destroying every bey that comes in his way until he gets a fight with Ginga! 


All Beyblades ( season 2 )

1) Galaxy Pegasis
2) Meteo L-Drago
3) Ray Unicorno
4) Hell Kerbecs
5) Big Bang Pegasis
6) Fang Leone
7) Flame Byxis
8) Mercury Anubis
9) Screw Capricorn
10) Basalt Horogium
11) Gravity Perseus
12) Killer Beafowl
13) Thermal Lacerta
14) Ray Gil
15) Sol Blaze
16) Cyber Pegasis
17) Vulcan Horuseus
18) Tornado Herculeo
19) Rock Giraffe
20) Cyber Aquario
21) Counter Leone
22) Poison Giraffe
23) Counter Escolpio
24) Bakushin Susanoo
25) Infinity Libra
26) Divine Chimera

All Beyblades ( season 1 )

 Bey Names  / Type                                                                                   

1) Storm Pegasis  /  Attack                                             
2) Lightning L- Drago /  Attack
3) Dark wolf / Balance
4) Rock Leoene / Defense
5) Flame Libra / Stamina
6) Dark Bull / Balance
7) Earth Aquila / Balance
8) Flame Saggittrio / Stamina
9) Burn Phoenix / Stamina
10) Poison Serpent / Attack
11) Dark Cancer / Balance
12) Earth Virgo / Stamina
13) Storm Capricorne / Attack
14) Killer Gemios / Balance
15) Rock Aries / Defense
16) Storm Aquario / Attack
17) Rock Escolpio / Balance/Defense
18) Thermal Pisces / Stamina

Introduction to our blog!!

Hey, everyone!! This blog is strictly for beybladers only!! No NON-Bladers!! Anyway.....hope you enjoy reading our blog and hopefully It'll give you more knowledge bout beyblades!!! Thanks...bye!!